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Modbus RTU Control Modules and DAQ Modules

The M-7000 series is a family of RS-485 Modbus Modules for network data acquisition and control applications that support Modbus RTU and DCON protocols. These Modbus RTU Data Acquisition Modules easily communicate with most popular SCADA/ HMI software and PLCs. Select from:
Modbus RTU Control Modules and DAQ Modules

Analog Input Analog Output Counter Digital I/O Relay Contacts Temperature Measurement

Remember - ICSDataCom always includes an AC Power Adapter with each module so you have nothing more to buy!

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RTD Input Modules
See also

Model M-7015 reads 6 RTD channels at rates up to 12 channels per second rate. Inputs can be Pt100, Pt1000, Ni120, Cu100, Cu1000 RTDs which cover temperatures of-200 °C to +600 °C. The M-7017 supports 2 and 3 wire RTDs. Download the data sheet as a pdf file. M-7015 Manual

Voltage Input Modules and Current Input Modules See also

Model M-7017 reads 8 differential channels at a 10 channel per second rate. Input ranges can be set from +150 mV to +10 V and 0 to 20 mA with an external resistor. The M-7017R has 240 Vrms overvoltage protection and a faster 60 s/sec sample rate.

Model M-7017C measures 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA or ±20 mA currents without external resistors at a 10 s/sec rate. The M-7017RC has 240 Vrms overvoltage protection and a faster 60 s/sec sample rate. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

M-7017 Manual

Voltage and Thermocouple Input Modules See also
Model M-7018 reads 8 differential channels of voltage or thermocouple inputs. Thermocouple types are: J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, and C. Voltage input ranges are from +15 mV to +2.5 V. The Model M-7018R provides 240 Vrms overvoltage protection. The Model M-7018Z utilizes an external screw terminal block for 10 input channels with overvoltage protection. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Model M-7019 reads 8 differential channels of voltage or thermocouple inputs with overvoltage protection. Thermocouple types are: J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, and C. M-7019R has nine DC voltage ranges from ± 15 mV to ± 10 V. Also reads ±20 mA current with an external resistor. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.
See also

M-7019 Manual

Voltage Output Modules and Current Output Modules
Model M-7022 provides two fully isolated analog voltages and current outputs for controlling industrial devices. Ranges are 0-10 V, 4-20 ma and 0-20 mA. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Model M-7024 provides four analog voltage and current outputs for controlling industrial devices. Ranges are ±5 V, ±10 V, 0-5 V and 0-10 V, 4-20 mA and 0-20 mA. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Digital Input Modules and Digital Output Modules
Model M-7041 provides 14 isolated digital input lines for 4 to 30 V input signals. Can count transistions up to 100 Hz. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Model M-7045 provides 8 isolated digital outputs that cn source up to 650 mA into 4o V loads. Outputs are short circuit protected. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Model M-7050 provides 7 isolated digital input lines and 8 isolated digital outputs. Inputs handle 4 to 30 V input signals and can count transistions up to 100 Hz. Outputs are open collector 30 V drivers that sink 30 mA. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Model M-7051 provides 16 isolated digital input lines sensing switch closures or high 10-50 V input signals. Can count transistions up to 100 Hz. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Model M-7052 provides 8 isolated digital input lines. Six lines are compleely floating and two share a commn ground. Use with TTL or 4-30 V signals. Can count transistions up to 100 Hz. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Model M-7053 provides 16 isolated digital input lines for sensing switch closures. Inputs are contact closure to ground or open lines. Can count transistions up to 100 Hz. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Model M-7055 provides 8 isolated digital input lines and 8 isolated hi-current digital outputs. Inputs handle contact closures to ground or logic levels of 0-4 V and 10-50 V. Can also count transistions up to 100 Hz. Outputs can source 650 mA into 40 V loads and include short circuit protection. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Relay Modules
Model M-7060 provides 4 sets of relay contacts and 4 isolated digital input lines. Two for 'A" and two form 'C' contacts switch AC of DC loads. Digital Inputs accept TTL or 4 to 30 V input signals and can count transistions up to 100 Hz. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Model M-7067 provides 7 sets of relay contacts that can switch AC and DC loads. Download the data sheet as a pdf file.

Counter Modules
Model M-7080 provides two counter channels for measuring frequency or counting events. Frequency measurements up to 100 kHz with programmable gate times, logic levels, alarms, and preset values. Isolated inputs accept 0-1 and 10-30 V signals. Download the data sheet as a pdf