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Dice Project

Press the advance about-face to 'throw' the dice: this makes the ambit rapidly aeon through the dice numbers so that an finer accidental dice cardinal is displayed by the LEDs back the advance about-face is released.
Dice Project

Drill seven 5mm holes in a dice arrangement to arise the LEDs on a console such as a artificial box lid or area of attenuate plywood. They should be a bound fit but a little cement can be activated from the base if necessary.

The 555 astable ambit provides alarm pulses at about 5kHz for the 4017 adverse which has ten outputs (Q0 to Q9). Each achievement becomes aerial in about-face as the alarm pulses are received. Only six counts (Q0-Q5) are bare so Q6 is affiliated to reset. Appropriate outputs are accumulated with diodes to accumulation the LEDs: for archetype Q1, Q3 and Q5 are accumulated for LED A.

The dice arrangement has been started at 2 so the ÷10 achievement can be acclimated for LEDs B1 and B2, this saves diodes and simplifies the circuit. Pressing the advance about-face makes the attenuate ascribe low so that counting occurs.

This activity uses a 555 astable ambit to accommodate the alarm pulses for the 4017 counter.

Parts Required

resistors: 330 ×3, 470, 10k ×3

capacitors: 0.01µF, 0.1µF

diodes: 1N4148 ×6

LEDs: red 5mm bore ×7

555 timer IC, such as NE555

4017 adverse IC

DIL sockets for ICs: 8-pin, 16-pin

on/off switch

push switch

battery blow for 9V PP3

stripboard: 20 rows × 22 holes